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Bikefitting in MTBIKER centre

At our MTBIKER centre in Hradok, showroom MTBIKER Bratislava and MTBIKER Zilina we have professional equipment for setting and optimization of your fit, which is carrying the name bikefitting. This service is done according to every cyclists' physique to measure the right bike fit.

In addition to professional equipment, the person who projects the measurement results onto a specific rider is also important. Our staff are cyclists who have experience in various areas of cycling, from road to MTB to ebike, as well as the standard bikefitting training.

Our bikefitters:

  • Marek - alternates between road and XC bikes according to current taste (Static and Dynamic measurement MTBIKER center Hradok)
  • Matej - prefers variety, likes to alternate between XC, road and gravel bikes (Static and Dynamic measurement MTBIKER Bratislava)
  • Milan - a lover of trail riding who also understands the importance of posture thanks to his bikepacking expeditions (Static and Dynamic measurement MTBIKER center Žilina).
  • Cepo - most often races on a road and time trial bike, spends a lot of time on a gravel bike (Professional measurement MTBIKER centre Hrádok and MTBIKER Bratislava and MTBIKER Žilina)

Fits for:

  • road, gravel, cyclocross, track, triathlon, MTB, MTB trail, trekking, e-bike


Provided bikefitting measurements

We will consult choosing the correct insert model according to the customers' feet, shoes and activity before the installation. Then we will adjust the size of the thermoplastic insert, fit it into the shoe and warm it up thanks to special Formthotics equipment. It will reach the ideal temperature when it adapts to the foot. The installation price doesn't include the shoe insert price. Check out the current selection and sizes can in the shop.

Range: up to 0.5 h
Price: 20 €

Discount: 100% for buying footwear at the price of 200 € and more

Necessary to bring: cycling shoes or other footwear, with original insoles

How to order: written order and appointment reservation not necessary, shoe inserts can be installed by trained staff during opening hours at the MTBIKER stores in Hrádok, Bratislava or Žilina.

The measurement set-up consists of the cyclists' physique and musculoskeletal examination. A special stool for measuring the optimal position of the cleats (clips) is used. The set-up may be done both for MTB and road footwear.

Range: up to 0.5 h
Price: 30 €

Discount: 100% for buying footwear at the price of 250 € and more

Necessary to bring: personal cycling shoes and cleats

How to order: written order and appointment reservation not necessary, the setting of the cleat wedges is performed by trained staff during the opening hours of the work week in MTBIKER stores in Hrádok, Bratislava or Žilina.

It is best to do this fit before buying a new bicycle since according to this, you could choose the correct size and geometry. It consists of the cyclists' physique and musculoskeletal examination. Special software and equipment for measuring the physique are used, they are a part of the services' know how. You will get a Bikefitting PDF output from the bikefitting software with data for setting the calculated optimal rider position.

The price doesn't include installation of Formthotics shoe inserts, shoe cleat adjustment or bike fit.

Range: up to 1 h
Price: 70 €

Necessary to bring: cycling clothing

In order not to surprise us during the measurement, check this before arrival:

  • if your cycling apparel (shorts, jersey, footwear, socks) are clean)

Ordering the bikefitting service

Dynamic fit is a complete riders' fit set-up. The service includes shoe cleat adjustment and Static fit, on the basis of which the adjustment of the bicycle seat is then made. For accurate measurement, a special Transfer Laser bike measure is used, which measures the original posture and then sets a new one, calculated by the bikefitting software. The final tuning of the posture takes place while riding on the smart trainer on the rider's bike. If interested, it is advisable to install Formthotics inserts before the measurement, their installation is not included in the price of Dynamic measurement.

Range: up to 1.5 h
Price: 140 €
When setting up two bikes and bike shoes for one rider (e.g. MTB and road), the price is reduced to €210.


  • 100% for buying bicycle at the price of 5000 € and more
  • 50% for buying bicycle at the price of 3000 € and more
  • 20% when purchasing a bike under 3000 €

Necessary to bring: personal cycling shoes and cleats, bicycle, cycling clothing

In order not to surprise us during the measurement, check this before arrival:

  • if the bicycle is funstional and clean
  • if it is possible to demount your shoe cleats
  • if it is possible to demount your seatpost and saddle
  • if your cycling apparel (shorts, jersey, footwear, socks) are clean)

Ordering the bikefitting service

Professional measurement includes all services like dynamic measurement, it is performed by our bike fitter Cepo with many years of racing experience. It is suitable for racers and cyclists whose goal is to increase sitting effectiveness with an emphasis on detail and performance. Time trial and triathlon poses are set only by Professional measurement.

Range: up to 2 h
Price: 180 €
When setting up two bikes and bike shoes for one rider (e.g. MTB and road), the price is reduced to €270.


  • 100% for buying bicycle at the price of 6000 € and more

Necessary to bring: bicycle, personal shoes and cleats, cycling clothing, time trial aero helmet (if time trial or triathlon seat)

In order not to surprise us during the measurement, check this before arrival:

  • if the bicycle is funstional and clean
  • if it is possible to demount your shoe cleats
  • if it is possible to demount your seatpost and saddle
  • if your cycling apparel (shorts, jersey, footwear, socks) are clean)

Ordering the bikefitting service

In our magazine, we mage an article for you about the importance of correct bike fit set-up also more information about the service bikefitting.

Video about the most common fit mistakes, which can be usually seen.

Prices are valid since 1.8.2022.
The customer uses these services at their own risk and is aware of their medical state.
Discounts for bikefitting are non-transferable and are applicable only for the specific purchased goods in s.r.o. Discounts can be applied only within 30 days from the purchase date. s.r.o. isn't responsible for any damage of the customer's equipment, which may happen during provided services.
