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Bike delivery

If you order a bike from us, and you don't want to receive it in a bike box, but also don't have the time to collect it in our store or in Bratislava - fear not! We will deliver your bike to your home fully set-up and ready to ride. We will also answer any questions you might have about the bike. We will call you as soon as the bike is ready and paid and will agree a suitable delivery time (normally in the evening).

We offer this service in Slovak counties of BA, SC, PK, TT, PN, HC, NM, MY, TN, IL, PU, PB, BY and in Žilina city.

Order valueless than 999 €999 € and more
 directions_bike order contains a bicycle29.99 €freeschedule delivery in 24 - 48 hours
credit_card pre-payment only